Is jesus Coming back?
On what grounds do you base your statement that Jesus Christ is coming back? Did not Christ say, “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world"?
We look for the return of the Lord because He said many times that He would come - and because it is one of the most frequently mentioned subjects in the Bible. Christ is with us today through His Holy Spirit, and He will be with Christians and with the church down to the end of the age. When He ascended up into heaven, the disciples were told by two angels standing by that He would return again as they were now seeing Him go ( see Acts 1:11). This climactic event of history is yet in the future. It will be sudden and final- the culmination of the ages. It will take the unbelieving world by surprise, and people will try to hide from His holy presence. At the return of Christ the resurrection of the believers will take place. They will be gathered together to be with the Lord forever. We can only speculate about the exact details of His return. The important thing is that He is coming again and that yet has time to trust in Him as our Savior and Lord. The bible says all people must face Him at that time- as either Savior or Judge: “When the Son of Man comes in his glory... he will sit on his heavenly glory" (Matthew 25:31).
We look for the return of the Lord because He said many times that He would come - and because it is one of the most frequently mentioned subjects in the Bible. Christ is with us today through His Holy Spirit, and He will be with Christians and with the church down to the end of the age. When He ascended up into heaven, the disciples were told by two angels standing by that He would return again as they were now seeing Him go ( see Acts 1:11). This climactic event of history is yet in the future. It will be sudden and final- the culmination of the ages. It will take the unbelieving world by surprise, and people will try to hide from His holy presence. At the return of Christ the resurrection of the believers will take place. They will be gathered together to be with the Lord forever. We can only speculate about the exact details of His return. The important thing is that He is coming again and that yet has time to trust in Him as our Savior and Lord. The bible says all people must face Him at that time- as either Savior or Judge: “When the Son of Man comes in his glory... he will sit on his heavenly glory" (Matthew 25:31).
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