Duplicate software
How to uninstall an installed software? If you want to uninstall or remove the software that has been saved in your computer drive and you don’t know how to remove it or you are confused how to uninstall the installed files. If you are using Microsoft Windows Vista software, you can do the following steps: 1.Click the start button located at the bottom of your desktop screen, then click the control panel on the list. 2. Under the control panel page you can see “programs”, and then from the programs select the “Uninstall a program.” 3. Then from the program lists, you can now select the files you want to uninstall or remove, just click uninstall by hitting the right click of your mouse, and wait for the loading process. Speaking of software, however, if you are looking a duplicate software that could help you to find duplicate files or to remove duplicate files on Windows Vista supported, Moleskinsoft's Clone Remover might be your solution - it is helping you to search for and delete duplicate data in a safe way on your PC or laptop.
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