How to add more blogs in Entercard?
Confuse how to add your other blog URL in Entrecard? Well, I was also confused before but you can add your other blogs if you want. Sign in to your Entrecard account click the dashboard, on your dashboard you can see one of the menu bar “Linked blogs" besides on “Transactions” menu, click it! Below of the page you can see “Add a new blog to your group" click it once then start adding your blog by signing the form and after you sign it, click sign up to submit and then you are done. The blog that you have added will be linked to your current blog; you can switch between linked blog at anytime by just clicking the "switch" button at the top of the page.
Now, when you get the code of your blog that you have just added, on the same "linked blogs" page, you can see your new blog listed on the table, click the "Switch to" on the blog that you have just added or blog that you want to get code, and then it's turning into "active". From the menu bar click the "Get code" you will find it between Dashboard and Campaign then you are on the way to the widget code, select among of them, just copy the code then paste it on your layout blog.
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