Who is the Blogger?
Who is the Blogger? Blogger is simply a publisher who writes blog on the website and publish it on the internet to be visible on the search engine. Blogger is one who is expressing their own opinion and ideas through the internet by writing articles; it may be about personal diary, personal experiences, or review posts and etc.
There is no rule in blogging or as a blogger you can write anything you want, either negative or positive opinion doesn't matter. But however if you are in a blog advertising network, there are many things to consider because here you will face some lists of rules to be followed, your post must grammatically correct, no offense words, no copyright, the words must be originally written from you and the post must relevant to the subject given by advertising network. If the post has been approved the blogger will earn an compensation from the sponsored. Being a blogger has ever been so fun aside from earning to it you can express your own opinions freely on the internet.
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