The Holy Friday or Good Holiday
When we say Holy Friday means it is a religious Friday or religious day, what were you doing last holy week or holy Friday? Holy Friday also refers to as Good Friday, Great Friday, or Black Friday. It considered a religious holiday to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death, and we are honoring the crucifixion of Jesus Christ every Friday in holy week.
The Christian people or the roman catholic church believe that fasting during good Friday is the best and perfect time to clean your soul and the sins; they do fasting within the holy week or on good Friday. Christians believe that holy week is time for repentance, forgiveness, and prayers to acknowledge the death of Jesus Christ to save our sins; he saves the sins of the world indeed. Let’s keep Commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and keep Jesus in our heart, and follow his steps if we are a true believer of him and continue to do a good thing in the world and in our fellowmen like what he did.
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