SocialSpark Affiliate
What is this SocialSpark Affiliate all about? If you are a new member on this network perhaps you get confuse on this affiliate opportunities. On the marketplace board you will see this abbreviations “AFF” and the “POST” for review. There is a big different of the two, “AFF” is for affiliate and “POST” is for post reviews.
Let’s talk about this “AFF” or affiliate opportunity; this opportunity is unlike those “POST” opportunities because at this time you don’t need to write an article for review but you only paste widgets on the sidebar of your blog, it’s either picture ads or text ads, and if readers response or let say they will buy, or signup on the ads you posted on your blog you will get a conversion it depends on the opportunity amount they are given. You can stay the widget on your blog as long it is countable; anyway, they are going to send you a message if it is no longer work, or you will know it if you try to open the widget and the page could not be displayed anymore, in that circumstance you can now remove the widget that has displayed on your blog.
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