Computer’s worm attack
The computer worm has backed and has been attacking again to all computers around the world; it is a software program that has been designed to copy itself from one computer to another computer without human’s control. This computer worm is called “conficker worm” that copies itself automatically without your control; this is much dangerous from computer viruses as it copies itself automatically and can replicate in great volume. I already experienced this one; it sends out copies of itself to your e-mail address book contact then quickly sends itself again to all of your contact’s e-mail address books, these worms are very fast and spread quickly!
To avoid from get infected by this worm, you should have malicious software removal tool or safety scanner, you can obtain some of these from online. Anti-virus could also help to detect and block this “conficker worm” so you are not 100% in risk by this worm, better to have anti-virus software then. Otherwise, it could harm and disable important services on your computer.
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