Disapproved domain Blogs
My blogs were declined many times by BlogtoProfit network, I have been sending my two blogs for many months now but they keep declining it, later I realized that they don’t accept free hosting domain URL- it means you should have your own domain that you pay and not free. Since they had been declining my 2 blogs I decided not to submit my free domain blog anymore, otherwise I tried to submit my other pay blog and it seems they are going to accept it but a few correction to fix; I had a trouble with the wide disclosure Policy, they advised me to change the single line of my disclosure policy that state- “advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements” since it does not meet to their requirements, and they prefer their link ads not disclosed as paid, and that it needs to be removed or changed, it is confusing to me right now!
And now I need to wait after 2 months before I am going to resubmit my blog again. It would be a long time to wait! Weird!
hmm, feel rejected? I'm also have been reject because my blog traffics is too low.. but that is okay i will try to improve my traffic rating first.. and I hope you application will be approve next time..
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