Adsense Revenue Sharing from Snipsly
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Snipsly. All opinions are 100% mine.
Do you have a Google adsense account? I have been a member of adsense since last year and this network is awesome, you can earn revenue by putting adsense tools on your blogs (either text, images, or videos), I am earning so far from adsense, it's pretty cool. And speaking of that, you can earn revenue even more through Snipsly, what is snipsly? Snipsly is being called as an adsense sharing site ( allows users to post content and share in ad revenue), you can submit content of your own and if you have an adsense account you can share in the revenue 80/20 - Snipsly shows ads 20% of the time and you (the user) can show the other 80% ( so, all Adsense impressions are based on an 80%/20% split, with the author showing 80% of the time). In snipsly you can post content of varying types either short or long text articles, or images and videos. This service also helps or works well for building backlinks, and creating links with targeted anchor text ( so you can write an article and add in a link to your site). Sign up to Snipsly now, and users who have a Google adsense account can easily enter their publisher ID to share in a portion of the advertising revenue, is it not cool? Go, be a part of it!
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