Payingpost or blogadvertisingstore a scam?
Payingpost or blogadvertisingstore a scam? At First, I did not believe this statement - like other bloggers I eagerly forced to believe myself that this advertising network is a legit because as you can see they have a very attractive and seductive blog page (statement) regarding of their site, this site has recently changed their name from PAYINGPOST to BLOGADVERTISINGSTORE without informing bloggers. So if you are a newbie and you are reading some bad news or comments about this network then don't disregard it because you will regret at the end if you continuously adore this network. I was like you before - never listening, being deaf of what I've heard from the internet against this network because I still believed that they were not such. But, it was a big mistake you have no future on this network. They don't pay you on time, and those who have been paid they are just being lucky because they were not giving-up of fighting payingpost to pay them but it takes too long either, before they have got their payment (need to wait for months before they got paid). So, you as a newbie blogger or advertiser, be aware of this network, be cautious! If they solve this kind of problem maybe their name will be cleaned around the net but it seems they don't care about it, they are putting stain on their own business!!! It seems the the CEO of this network is a corrupt!!! So to all advertisers and bloggers stay away from this advertising network named PAYINGPOST or ADVERTISINGSTORE.COM, don't let yourself being captured by their dishonest and false statement or blog statement at their page, otherwise you will regret...
It might be a scam...I did not recieve my payment too..very bad!!!
ya they are scam! I think the CEO of this network is not even graduated in elementary school, very unprofessional!!!
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