What is your horoscope?
Are you checking on your horoscope everyday? Well, I do this a lot, I am curious to check my horoscope every now and then, and I always excited if it's gonna fit on the real situation, but surprisingly it did sometimes (lol). I was checking the November horoscope 2009- it is basing on the month of november horoscope 2009. What sign of the year are you born? I was born in year 1983 so my year sign is "PIG." Base on the chinese horoscope - people who are born on the year 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1953, 1923, and 1911 which are born in the year of "PIG" will feel that they are without support from family or friends. Watch out for extra-martial affairs. This will create lots of turbulence in your life. Pay more attention to your spouse. The comportment of the person who loves you will appear to you very disconcerting, capricious, incoherent; you'll sometimes ask yourself if you're actually loved by the other one. The only danger that's lying in wait for your will be exhilaration that could make you to misjudge people and situations. Well, it's interesting!
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